
Course Name Duration Classes Total Fee Mode of Training Class Timing
React JS
2 Months
24,000 PKR
Online & Face-to-Face
To be decided mutually with students
React JS Course Certification in Rawalpindi Islamabad

React JS Training Certification Course

React JS training certification course Start your career as a  Professional Web Application developer.

Already have some web development experience but are interested in making web applications? This course is for you.

Simplilearn’s React JS Training Course will help you master the fundamentals of React—an important web framework for developing user interfaces—including JSX, props, state, and events. This training course dives into Redux, covering topics like reducers, actions, and the state tree.

Technocation provides an excellent faculty and qualified developers as there is an excellent prospects in this field. One can make his/her website or blog with the help of both React JS Course, establish an identity, and get guidance in Rawalpindi.

We provide Free Hosting and Domain Registration convenience to our students to make their projects live and work.

Therefore, we aim to shape inspiring students with in-depth training to meet the requirements of the IT industry and build substantial grounds in React JS Training by exhibiting students with various projects. Technocation also bestows the Best React JS Training Course in Rawalpindi, Islamabad.

We guide people from every background to change their lives via our career-oriented short-term courses in Rawalpindi. Our evening and online course primarily focus on school, college, university students, and full/part-time employees.

Advantages of React JS course

    • Extremely competent.
    • Excellent cross-platform support.
    • Handles dependencies.
    • Template designing made easy.
    • Provides amazing developer tools.
    • UI-focused designs.
    • Easy to adopt.

React JS Training Certification Course Outline

React JS enables developers to build fast, dynamic, and scalable user interfaces with reusable components, making front-end development more efficient.

Module 1: Introduction to React.js

  • What is React.js? Features & Benefits
  • Understanding Component-Based Architecture
  • React vs. Other Frontend Frameworks (Vue, Angular)
  • Setting Up a React Development Environment
  • Understanding JSX (JavaScript XML)

Module 2: Core React Concepts

  • Components (Functional vs. Class Components)
  • Props & State Management
  • Handling Events in React
  • React Lifecycle Methods & Hooks
  • Conditional Rendering & Lists

Module 3: React Hooks & State Management

  • Introduction to React Hooks (useState, useEffect)
  • Advanced Hooks (useReducer, useMemo, useRef, useContext)
  • Managing Global State with Context API
  • Comparing Context API vs. Redux for State Management

Module 4: Working with Forms & User Input

  • Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Components
  • Handling Form Inputs & Validations
  • Managing Forms with React Hook Form
  • File Upload Handling in React

Module 5: Routing in React with React Router

  • Introduction to React Router
  • Setting Up Navigation & Route Parameters
  • Private & Protected Routes
  • Handling 404 Pages & Redirects

Module 6: Managing State with Redux Toolkit

  • Introduction to Redux & Redux Toolkit
  • Setting Up Redux Store & Reducers
  • Actions, Dispatchers & Middleware (Redux Thunk)
  • Connecting Redux with React Components
  • Performance Optimization in Redux

Module 7: API Integration & Data Fetching

  • Fetching Data with Fetch API & Axios
  • Handling Promises & Async/Await in React
  • Error Handling & Data Caching
  • Implementing Infinite Scroll & Pagination

Module 8: Styling in React Applications

  • CSS Modules & Styled Components
  • Using Tailwind CSS & Bootstrap in React
  • Material UI & Chakra UI for Professional UI Design
  • CSS-in-JS & Theming in React

Module 9: Performance Optimization & Best Practices

  • Lazy Loading & Code Splitting with React.lazy
  • Memoization Techniques (useMemo, useCallback)
  • Optimizing Large Lists with React Virtualization
  • Avoiding Unnecessary Re-renders

Module 10: Testing & Debugging in React

  • Introduction to Unit & Integration Testing
  • Writing Tests with Jest & React Testing Library
  • Debugging with React DevTools
  • Handling Errors Gracefully in React

Module 11: Deployment & Production Optimization

  • Deploying React Apps on Vercel, Netlify & Firebase
  • Setting Up CI/CD for React Projects
  • SEO Optimization in React (Server-Side Rendering, Meta Tags)
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA) with React

Module 12: Advanced Topics & Final Project

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js
  • State Management with Recoil & Zustand
  • WebSockets & Real-Time Data in React
  • Final Capstone Project (Full-Stack React App)

Experience and Inspiring Trainers:

Our trainers bring their years of industry experience during the course. They are expert and passionate about delivering inspiring training as they know training inside out. They will advise you on all the options to make sure you get the best possible result.

Real-time Practice and Projects :

Our React JS course is comprehensive and practical. Moreover, we work on industry-related projects. If you have a project or an idea that you wanted to turn into Mobile Application then present that idea after completion of the course and our trainers especially will help you to work on your own Mobile Application which helps you to become confident and satisfied.

Prerequisites for React JS Course :

Basic Knowledge of JavaScript: Understanding ES6+ features like arrow functions, promises, and destructuring is crucial.
Familiarity with HTML & CSS: A solid grasp of HTML and CSS is necessary for structuring and styling React components.
Understanding of JavaScript Fundamentals: Concepts like variables, loops, functions, and arrays are essential for working with React.
Basic Knowledge of DOM Manipulation: Experience with vanilla JavaScript or jQuery helps in understanding React’s virtual DOM.
Familiarity with ES6 Modules & Import/Export: Knowing how to structure and reuse code using ES6 modules is beneficial.
Understanding of Components & State Management: React is component-based, so grasping state and props is vital. 

No prior experience in React JS is required, but having these basics will help in grasping concepts faster.

Certificate :

Finally completing this training you will receive a course completion certificate along with an internship in React JS Training so you can get recognition for your new skills.

Course Material :

 Softy Copy notes are briefly included in this course

Support and Careers Advice :

In the end, our trainers are always ready to help you with any problems or questions regarding React JS. We prepare students for facing Interview questions on React JS and help them to build their online resumes. More than 90% of students are placed in good MNCs.

“Our Student Success is Our Mission”.

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