
Course Name Duration Classes Total Fee Mode of Training Class Timing
DSA Course
3 Months
60,000 PKR
Online & Face-to-Face
To be decided mutually with students
DSA Training Certification Course pakistan

DSA Training Certification Course

In addition to validating your technical skills, DSA Certification can help you advance your expertise. Once DSA Certified, you’ll be eligible for perks that help you show off your achievements and keep learning. Register for exams and claim benefits at Technocation  training.

Technocation provides an excellent faculty and qualified developers as there is a remarkable prospect in this field. One can make his/her Career with the help of both DSA Training and establish an identity and get guidance in Rawalpindi.

Therefore, we aim to shape inspiring students with in-depth training to meet the requirements of the IT industry and build substantial grounds in DSA Training by exhibiting students with various projects. Technocation also bestows the Best DSA Training Course in Rawalpindi, Islamabad.

We guide people from every background to change their lives via our career-oriented short-term courses in Rawalpindi. Our evening and online course primarily focus on school, college, university students, and full/part-time employees.

Advantages of Learning DSA

  • Enhances Problem-Solving Skills: Develops logical and analytical thinking.
  • Optimized Coding: Enables writing efficient, fast, and resource-saving code.
  • Crucial for Technical Interviews: Key for landing software development roles.
  • Competitive Edge: Essential for competitive programming and hackathons.
  • Real-World Applications: Solves data management and optimization problems.
  • Foundation for Advanced Topics: Builds groundwork for system design and algorithms.
  • Versatility: Useful in AI, web development, and data science.
  • Career Growth: Adds significant value to your resume and skill set.

DSA Training Certification Course Outline

A Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) Advanced level course typically covers a wide range of topics designed to deepen understanding and build practical skills. Below is a detailed long outline for an advanced DSA course:

 Module 1:Data Structures

  1. Balanced Trees
    • AVL Trees
    • Red-Black Trees
    • Splay Trees
    • 2-3 Trees
  2. Trie Structures
    • Basic Trie Operations
    • Advanced Applications of Tries (Autocomplete, Pattern Matching)
  3. Graphs
    • Graph Representations (Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List)
    • Graph Traversal Techniques
      • Depth-First Search (DFS)
      • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
    • Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Algorithms
      • Kruskal’s Algorithm
      • Prim’s Algorithm
    • Shortest Path Algorithms
      • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
      • Bellman-Ford Algorithm
      • Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
      • A* Algorithm

 Module 2:Algorithm Design Techniques

  1. Divide and Conquer
    • Merge Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Binary Search
    • Matrix Exponentiation
  2. Dynamic Programming (DP)
    • Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches
    • Memoization and Tabulation
    • Knapsack Problems
    • Matrix Chain Multiplication
    • Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
    • Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
  3. Greedy Algorithms
    • Activity Selection
    • Fractional Knapsack Problem
    • Huffman Coding
    • Job Scheduling
  4. Backtracking
    • N-Queens Problem
    • Sudoku Solver
    • Subset Generation
    • Permutations and Combinations

 Module 3:Sorting and Searching Techniques

  1. Advanced Sorting Algorithms
    • Heap Sort
    • Merge Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Counting Sort
    • Radix Sort
  2. Searching Techniques
    • Binary Search Variations
    • Ternary Search
    • Exponential Search
  3. String Matching Algorithms
    • KMP Algorithm
    • Rabin-Karp Algorithm
    • Aho-Corasick Algorithm
    • Segment Trees and Fenwick Trees
      • Range Queries
      • Point Updates
      • Lazy Propagation

 Module 4:Computational Complexity and Optimization

  1. Time Complexity Analysis
    • Space Complexity
    • Asymptotic Notations (Big O, Theta, Omega)
    • Amortized Analysis
  2. Optimization Techniques
    • Greedy Approach for Optimization
    • Dynamic Programming Optimization
    • Approximation Algorithms
  3. Heuristic and Metaheuristic Approaches
    • Genetic Algorithms
    • Simulated Annealing
    • Tabu Search

 Module 5:Practical Applications and Competitive Programming

  1. Advanced Problem Solving Techniques
    • Using Multiple Data Structures Together
    • Custom Algorithms for Problem-Solving
  2. Competitive Programming
    • Live Problem Solving Sessions
    • Mock Contests and Code Challenges
  3. Tools and Frameworks for DSA
    • Code Optimization Tools
    • Version Control and Collaborative Coding

 Module 6: Specialized Topics and Applications

  1. Network Flow Algorithms
    • Ford-Fulkerson Method
    • Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
    • Push-Relabel Method
  2. Maximum Bipartite Matching
    • Hopcroft-Karp Algorithm
  3. Graph Theory
    • Strongly Connected Components (SCC)
    • Topological Sorting
    • Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Algorithms

 Module 7:Computational Geometry

  1. Union-Find (Disjoint Set)
    • Path Compression
    • Union by Rank
    • Applications of Union-Find (Connected Components, Kruskal’s Algorithm)
  2. Persistent Data Structures
    • Persistent Arrays
    • Persistent Treaps
    • Applications in Version Control Systems
    • Convex Hull and Graham’s Scan
    • Closest Pair of Points
    • 2D and 3D Geometric Algorithms
      • Line Intersection
      • Circle-Triangle Intersection
      • Voronoi Diagrams

 Module 8:Parallel and Distributed Computing

  1. Parallel and Concurrent Algorithms
    • Multi-threading in DSA
    • Parallel Sorting Algorithms
    • MapReduce Framework for DSA
  2. Distributed Data Structures
    • Distributed Hash Tables (DHT)
    • Distributed Graph Representation and Traversal
    • Assessments: Quizzes, coding assignments, project submissions, and final exams.
    • Grading: Based on understanding, problem-solving skills, efficiency, and optimization of algorithms.

 Module 9: Basic Programming Knowledge

  • Familiarity with at least one programming language (e.g., Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript).
  • Understanding of basic syntax, variables, loops, conditionals, and functions.
  • Logical reasoning and analytical thinking abilities.
  • Familiarity with solving basic coding problems (e.g., finding the sum of an array, reversing a string).
  • Knowing what arrays, lists, and strings are.
  • Optional but helpful: Some exposure to stacks, queues, or hash maps.

Experience and Inspiring Trainers:

Our trainers bring their years of industry experience during the course. They are expert and passionate about delivering inspiring training as they know training inside out. They will advise you on all the options to make sure you get the best possible result.

Real-time Practice and Projects:

Project Overview: A real-world application where students apply advanced DSA concepts (e.g., building a distributed data store, implementing a recommendation system, or optimizing large-scale algorithms for performance).


Prerequisites for DSA Course:

  1. Basic Programming: Familiarity with any programming language (Python, C++, Java, etc.).
  2. Math Skills: Basic algebra, problem-solving, and discrete math concepts.
  3. Logical Thinking: Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.
  4. Basic Data Structures: Understanding arrays, lists, and strings.
  5. Tools: Familiarity with IDEs and version control (optional)


Finally completing this training you will receive a course completion certificate along with internship in DSA Training so you can get recognition for your new skills.

Course Material:

 Softy Copy notes are briefly included in this course

Support and Careers Advice:

In the end our trainers are always ready to help you for any problems or question regarding DSA. We prepare students for facing Interview questions on DSA and help them to build their online resume. Our more than 90% students are placed in good MNCs.

“Our Student Success is Our Mission”​.

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