
Course Name Duration Classes Total Fee Mode of Training Class Timing
C Programming Course
2 Months
15,000 PKR
Online & Face-to-Face
To be decided mutually with students
C Programming Training Certification Course Pakistan

C Programming Training Certification Course

In addition to validating your technical skills, C Programming Certification can help you advance your expertise. Once C Programming Certified, you’ll be eligible for perks that help you show off your achievements and keep learning. Register for exams and claim benefits at Technocation  training.

Technocation provides an excellent faculty and qualified developers as there is a remarkable prospect in this field. One can make his/her Career with the help of both C Programming Training and establish an identity and get guidance in Rawalpindi.

Therefore, we aim to shape inspiring students with in-depth training to meet the requirements of the IT industry and build substantial grounds in C Programming Training by exhibiting students with various projects. Technocation also bestows the Best C Programming Training Course in Rawalpindi, Islamabad.

We guide people from every background to change their lives via our career-oriented short-term courses in Rawalpindi. Our evening and online course primarily focus on school, college, university students, and full/part-time employees.

Advantages of Learning C Programming

  • Foundation Language: Builds a strong base for other languages like C++, Java, and Python.
  • Efficient and Fast: Enables writing high-performance programs.
  • System Programming: Ideal for OS, embedded systems, and device drivers.
  • Portable: C programs run on multiple platforms with minimal changes.
  • Control: Offers fine-grained control over memory and hardware.
  • Widely Used: Relevant in industries like IoT, gaming, and system software.
  • Problem-Solving: Enhances logical and algorithmic thinking.
  • Legacy Support: Essential for maintaining and upgrading legacy systems.

C Programming Training Certification Course Outline

Here is a comprehensive outline for an advanced-level C programming course:

 Module 1:C Programming Fundamentals

  • Topics:
    • Recap of basic C concepts (data types, operators, loops, and functions).
    • Pointers and memory management:
      • Dynamic memory allocation using malloc, calloc, realloc, free.
      • Pointer arithmetic and manipulation.
      • Memory leaks and management techniques.
    • File I/O in C:
      • Advanced file operations (binary files, file locking, etc.).
      • Error handling in file I/O.

 Module 2:Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Topics:
    • Linked Lists (singly, doubly, circular, and their implementation).
    • Trees and Binary Search Trees (BST):
      • Traversal methods: Pre-order, In-order, Post-order.
      • Balanced Trees (AVL, Red-Black Trees).
    • Hashing and Hash Tables.
    • Graphs: Representation and Algorithms (DFS, BFS, shortest path algorithms).

 Module 3: Advanced System Programming

  • Topics:
    • Process Management:
      • Creating, Terminating, and Communicating between processes.
      • Inter-Process Communication (IPC): Pipes, Message Queues, Shared Memory.
    • Signals and Signal Handling.
    • Multithreading and Concurrency:
      • Thread creation and synchronization (mutex, semaphore, barriers).
      • Deadlock prevention strategies.

 Module 4: Software Design and Optimization Techniques

  • Topics:
    • Code optimization: Profiling, and optimization techniques.
    • Design Patterns in C:
      • Creational: Singleton, Factory, Builder.
      • Structural: Adapter, Decorator, Composite.
      • Behavioral: Observer, Command, Strategy.
    • Static and Dynamic code analysis.

 Module 5: Libraries and Tools

  • Topics:
    • Standard Template Library (STL) – Introduction to C++ Standard Library for C users.
    • POSIX and UNIX system calls.
    • Memory debugging and tools: Valgrind, GDB, AddressSanitizer.
    • Networking in C: Sockets programming, protocols (TCP/UDP), low-level networking.

 Module 6:Real-world Applications & Projects

  • Topics:
    • Implementation of advanced algorithms (e.g., advanced sorting algorithms, pattern matching).
    • Developing system-level applications (e.g., file system, custom shell).
    • Case studies and projects:
    • Database management systems in C.
    • Web servers, OS Kernels, or embedded system applications.

 Module 7:C Programming Techniques

Advanced Pointers and Memory Management
  • Topics:
    • Deep dive into pointer arithmetic and manipulation.
    • Function pointers and callbacks.
    • Advanced memory allocation/deallocation techniques (malloc, calloc, realloc, free).
    • Memory alignment and padding.
    • Pointer to structures and arrays.
 Error Handling and Debugging
  • Topics:
    • Advanced error handling strategies (errno, strerror, custom error handling functions).
    • Use of assertions and preprocessor directives for debugging (assert, static_assert, #ifdef, #ifndef).
    • Techniques for efficient debugging (GDB, Valgrind, AddressSanitizer).

 Module 8:Complex Data Structures and Algorithms

 Advanced Data Structures
  • Topics:
    • Heaps and Priority Queues.
    • Segment Trees and Fenwick Trees.
    • Disjoint Set Union (DSU) with path compression and union-by-rank.
    • Sparse Matrices and efficient representation.
Graph Algorithms
  • Topics:
    • Minimum Spanning Trees (Kruskal’s, Prim’s).
    • Graph traversal algorithms (DFS, BFS, topological sorting).
    • Network flow algorithms (Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp).
    • Strongly Connected Components and Kosaraju’s Algorithm.

 Module 9:System Programming and Performance Optimization

System Calls and Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
  • Topics:
    • Low-level system calls (fork, exec, wait, pipe, etc.).
    • Shared Memory and Semaphore usage.
    • Asynchronous I/O (AIO) and Event-driven I/O.
Performance Optimization Techniques
  • Topics:
    • Compiler optimizations (-O1, -O2, -O3, -Ofast).
    • Multi-threading performance optimization (thread synchronization, cache locality).
    • Profiling and optimizing CPU, memory, and I/O-bound tasks.

Experience and Inspiring Trainers:

Our trainers bring their years of industry experience during the course. They are expert and passionate about delivering inspiring training as they know training inside out. They will advise you on all the options to make sure you get the best possible result.

Real-time Practice and Projects:

C is a foundational language that many modern programming languages like C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript are based on. Understanding C helps in learning these languages more effectively.


Prerequisites for C Programming Course:

  • Basic Computer Knowledge: Familiarity with operating systems and basic computer functions.
  • Logic and Problem-Solving Skills: Understanding how to approach and solve problems logically.
  • Mathematics: Basic knowledge of algebra and arithmetic operations.
  • Typing Skills: Ability to efficiently type code on a computer keyboard.
  • No Prior Programming Required: Though helpful, prior experience with programming is not always necessary for beginners.


Finally completing this training you will receive a course completion certificate along with internship in C Programming Training so you can get recognition for your new skills.

Course Material:

 Softy Copy notes are briefly included in this course

Support and Careers Advice:

In the end our trainers are always ready to help you for any problems or question regarding C Programming. We prepare students for facing Interview questions on C Programming and help them to build their online resume. Our more than 90% students are placed in good MNCs.

“Our Student Success is Our Mission”​.

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