
Course Name Duration Classes Total Fee Mode of Training Class Timing
Flutter Application
3 Months
36,000 PKR
Online & Face-to-Face
To be decided mutually with students
Learn flutter app development in Rawalpindi

Flutter App Development

Flutter is an open source software development kit, also called an SDK, provided by Google. This SDK can be used to create cross-platform mobile and desktop application development, including Xamarin and React Native. The SDK can be used to build apps for at least six operating systems, including Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, and Linux-based Google Fuchsia.

Application developers know the importance of their build working across multiple operating systems. Flutter is an easily available and versatile development kit. Certified Flutter Application Developer professionals are highly sought after for their detailed and dynamic builds. This Flutter Application Development training program is strongly recommended for professionals looking to enhance their career prospects. Check out the dates below to enroll in this Flutter App Development course today

Flutter application training certification course Start your career as a  Professional App developer.

Already have some web development experience but are interested in making mobile apps? This course is for you.

Technocation provides an excellent faculty and qualified developers as there is an excellent prospect in this field. One can make his/her website or blog with the help of both Flutter Application, establish an identity, and get guidance in Rawalpindi.

We provide Free Hosting and Domain Registration convenience to our students to make their projects live and work.

Therefore, we aim to shape inspiring students with in-depth training to meet the requirements of the IT industry and build substantial grounds in React Native Training by exhibiting students with various projects. Technocation also bestows the Best React Native Training Course in Rawalpindi, Islamabad.

We guide people from every background to change their lives via our career-oriented short-term courses in Rawalpindi. Our evening and online course primarily focus on school, college, university students, and full/part-time employees.

Advantages of mobile app flutter

    •  Same UI and Business Logic in All Platforms
    •  Reduced Code Development Time
    •  Increased Time-to-Market Speed
    •  Similar to Native App Performance
    •  Custom, Animated UI of Any Complexity Available
    •  Own Rendering Engine
    • Simple Platform-Specific Logic Implementation
    •  The Potential Ability to Go Beyond Mobile

Why Learn app development using flutter course?

React Native is great for mobile apps. It provides a slick, smooth and responsive user interface, while significantly reducing load time. It’s also much faster and cheaper to build apps in React Native as opposed to building native ones, without the need to compromise on quality and functionality.

  For Furthermore detail you can see the outline.

Flutter Mobile App Training Certification Course Outline


◆ Learn to set up a new Flutter project using Android Studio.
◆ Understand the Widget tree and learn to use pre-made Flutter Widgets for user
interface design.
◆ Learn to incorporate Image and Text Widgets to create simple user interfaces.
◆ Learn to incorporate App Icons for iOS and Android.
◆ Learn how to add and load image assets to Flutter projects.
◆ Run Flutter apps on iOS Simulator, Android Emulator, and physical devices.


◆ Use Hot Reload and Hot Restart to quickly refresh the app UI and understand when
to use each.
◆ Learning to use the Pubspec.yaml file to incorporate dependencies, custom assets,
and fonts.
◆ An introduction to the Widget builds () method.
◆ Learning to use layout widgets such as Columns, Rows, Containers, and Cards.
◆ Incorporating Material icons using the Icons class.


◆ Understand the difference between Stateful and Stateless Widgets and when they
should each be used.
◆ Understand how callbacks can be used to detect user interaction in button widgets.
◆ Understand the declarative style of UI programming and how Flutter widgets react to
state changes.
◆ Learn to import dart libraries to incorporate additional functionality.
◆ Learn about how variables, data types, and functions work in Dart 2.
◆ Build flexible layouts using the Flutter Expanded widget.
◆ Understand the relationship between setState(), State objects, and Stateful Widgets


◆ Learn to use the Dart package manager to incorporate Flutter compatible packages
into your projects.
◆ Understanding the structure of the pubspec.yaml file.
◆ Incorporate the audioplayers package to play sound.
◆ Learn more about functions in Dart and the arrow syntax.
◆ Learn to refactor widgets and understand Flutter’s philosophy of UI as code.


◆ Learn about how lists and conditionals work in Dart.
◆ Learn about classes and objects in Dart and how it applies to Flutter widgets.
◆ Understand Object-Oriented Dart and how to apply the fundamentals of OOP to
restructuring a Flutter app.
◆ Learn to use Dart Constructors to create customizable Flutter widgets.
◆ Apply common mobile design patterns to structure Flutter apps.
◆ Learn about structuring and organizing Flutter apps.


◆ Customize apps with Theme widgets.
◆ Refactoring widgets by extracting them as separate Widget classes.
◆ Learn about Dart annotations and modifiers.
◆ Understand the immutability of Stateless and Stateful Widgets and how the screen is
updated with the build() method.
◆ Create custom Flutter Widgets by combining smaller widgets.
◆ Learn about the difference between final and const in Dart.
◆ Learn about maps, enums, and the ternary operator in Dart.
◆ Understand that functions are first-class objects in Dart and how functions can be
passed around as arguments.
◆ Learn to build multi-screen Flutter apps by learning about routes and the Navigator
◆ Understand why flutter favors composition vs. inheritance when customizing widgets


◆ Learn about asynchronous programming in Dart and understand how to use
async/await and the Futures API.
◆ Understand Stateful Widget lifecycle methods.
◆ Handling exceptions in dart with try/catch and throw.
◆ Use Dart null-aware operators to prevent app crashes.
◆ Getting location data from both iOS and Android.
◆ Using the HTTP package to perform networking and get live data from open APIs.
◆ Understanding how to parse JSON data using the dart: convert library.
◆ Understand how to pass data to State objects via the Stateful Widget.
◆ Use the TextField Widget to take user input.
◆ Understand how to pass data backward using the Navigator widget.


◆ Understand why we need to manage the state across our widget tree.
◆ Learn about declarative vs. imperative programming.
◆ Look at how set State works under the hood.
◆ Learn about prop drilling and lifting state up.
◆ Create a to-do list app.
◆ Learn about the Bottom Sheet widget and the List View Builder.
◆ Understand Flutter app architecture design patterns.
◆ Learn to manage state with the Google recommended Provider package.


◆ Learn to use the Cupertino package and build Flutter apps for iOS with UIKit styled
Cupertino widgets.
◆ Use the dart:io library to detect runtime platform and create separate UIs for iOS and
Android in the same Flutter app.
◆ Learn to use Dart loops to create recurring widgets.


◆ Learn to use hero animations in Flutter apps.
◆ Understand how the animation controller works and create custom animations.
◆ Learn to use Dart mixins to extend class functionality.
◆ Incorporate Firebase Cloud Firestore into your Flutter apps.
◆ Implement authentication in your Flutter apps with the Firebase Auth package.
◆ Build a scrolling ListView widget to learn how Flutter creates and destroys reusable
◆ Understand Dart Streams to listen to data changes.
◆ Learn to use the Flutter StreamBuild to turn streams of data into widgets that can be

  • Experience and Inspiring Trainers:
    Our trainers bring their years of industry experience during the course. They are expert and passionate about delivering inspiring training as they know training inside out. They will advise you on all the options to make sure you get the best possible result.
  • Real-time Practice and Projects :
    Our Flutter Application course is comprehensive and practical. Moreover, we work on industry-related projects. If you have a project or an idea that you wanted to turn into Mobile Application then present that idea after completion of the course and our trainers especially will help you to work on your own Mobile Application which helps you to become confident and satisfied.
  • Prerequisites for Flutter Application Course :

     You should have basic HTML, CSS & JavaScript knowledge.

  • Certificate :
    Finally completing this training you will receive a course completion certificate along with an internship in Flutter Application Training so you can get recognition for your new skills.
  • Course Material :
     Softy Copy notes are briefly included in this course
  • Support and Careers Advice :
    In the end, our trainers are always ready to help you with any problems or questions regarding Flutter Application. We prepare students for facing Interview questions on Flutter Application and help them to build their online resumes. More than 90% of students are placed in good MNCs.

    “Our Student Success is Our Mission”.

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